I make music and video games
and own a virtual fleet of luxary submarines. (Help me pay for them)



How does 'Buying the Black Mesa Soundtrack', actually work?

Quite simply, it's an honor system. I do not keep track of who has paid, and who hasn't, and I won't hunt down the people that choose not to. Hopefully you will see some value in what I have created, and if you like it, decide it's worth a little something.

What am I allowed to do with your music?

  • You may copy/transfer the music to any or all of the electronic devices you own. (pc,mp3player, etc.)
  • You may use the music in any youtube, or online video, and monotize it. (In return, I ask that you would kindly place a link to my website in the info section or credits.)
  • Please do not distribute any of the music through your own website, or through any other means.

I would like to use your music in an advertisement, or other type of 'for profit' media.

Please email me for more information.

Copyright 2025 Joel Nielsen